Gazambo the app is based upon the basis of ‘need’.
Need that exists no matter who we are and at what stage we are in life.
Created by the team behind PMIS, Gazambo now operates a unique algorithm to connect you to your nearest available service provider unlike any app before it.

It is as we say – ‘one of a kind’ when it comes to bridging the gap between demand and supply.
This is how it works when you have a ‘need’:
• You send a voice request by following the onscreen instructions once you tap on the Gazambo symbol (if we’ve missed your service industry – do record a voice message in the Gazambo category. Complete list towards end of page).
• The moment your request is received; Gazambo will process and communicate your instructions to nearby vendors in the Gazambo Network.
• Vendors accepting your request will only be able to communicate with you via Gazambos inbuilt voice and and voice messaging services i.e. unless you specify otherwise.
• Gazambo the app is NOT a search engine; it only knows how to find and connect you
• Gazambo the app is NOT a virtual assistant; it is far less intelligent but understands voice commands (most of the time).